Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Halliday's & Koivisto's Pharmacy would like you to join our Open House to view the new 2014 Amoena Spring Mastectomy products!

Meet Amoena respresentative, Heidi Pederson, CMF, who will be available for fittings and information.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014  9:00am to 4:00pm

Appointments recommended for fittings, but not required call 904-737-2216.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Who can benefit from wearing compression stockings?
Anyone's legs can feel better while wearing gradient compression stockings, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting, standing or in a sedentary position. Gradient compression stockings are most beneficial for the following leg complaints:
  • Tired, aching, heavy feeling legs
  • Leg swelling
  • Varicose veins
  • Venous insufficiency
  • Post-thrombotic syndrome
  • Healed venous ulcers
  • Active venous ulcers
  • Lymphedema
We recommend that you consult with your doctor before wearing compression stockings 20 mmHg and above. If you have arterial circulation problems, please consult with your physician before wearing any level of compression.